Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, MO: Now That It’s Over…What Next?

I’ve deliberately avoided the news in the last 24 hours and made sure my family did the same.  Once it became apparent that the grand jury’s decision whether or not to indict Officer Darren Wilson wouldn’t come down until after 5:00 PM (CT), I made the choice as a parent to focus on my family and keeping their spirits high.  So last night, as we do every Monday, my family and I watched a really good episode of WWE Monday Night Raw.  I stand by my decision.

Now in the morning light (or cloudiness, in Lansing’s case), I’ve had the opportunity to catch up on the news, read the Facebook posts, read the angry tweets and so on, I can finally address this ugliness that’s taken place in Ferguson, Missouri…all of it.

One thing we must accept and deal with, is that the grand jury has handed down their decision.  It’s a done deal and we cannot do anything about it.  We’ve been down this road before and it would be irresponsible to think that it won’t happen again.  Injustice rears its ugly head in every corner of this otherwise great nation.  This injustice is an even tougher pill to swallow when its perpetrated by the very individuals that are tasked to protect and serve all citizens.  Justice is a consequence of a revelation of truth, whether the truth hurts or not.  Justice can only be achieved when all the facts are taken into account.  We will only know what we were told.  There are only two people who knows what happened and one can no longer speak for himself.  This is not justice.

Second, the violence has got to stop.  While peaceful protests began to sprout all over the country this morning, business owners, schools and residents of Ferguson, MO have to deal with the destruction that has ravaged their community overnight.  What does looting, setting fires and destroying local businesses solve? Nothing.  If one person loses their life in this madness, Michael Brown would have died in vain.

Finally, the media is not our friend in this instance.  Millions of Americans watched their TV screens, checked their phones, and trolled social media with baited breath with all focus on a small suburb of St. Louis.  We were lead on and on and on, all day and all evening, being fed all kinds of banter and analysis, panel discussions and so-called experts on race, justice and whatnot.  The news coverage was absolutely overwhelming, leading me to make my previously mentioned decision not to watch or partake.  Admittedly, I caught myself checking my Facebook page to see what was posted, but I did eventually put my smartphone down.

Now that its over, where do we go from here?

First things first, pray for Ferguson, MO, the family of Michael Brown, and yes, Darren Wilson and his family.  Pray for peace in this great nation. Pray for wisdom.  How do we deal with this?  How can we grow together? How can we make this country a better place than how we found it? Pray over these questions and ask for the courage to answer them.

 Next, take action.  This can be just about anything that will advance the mission of justice and peace.  Some will protest peacefully.  Some chose to boycott so called Black Friday.  Others, such as myself, chose to offer to type of insight by sharing my views on this blog.  Whatever you decide to do, make sure it creates a better community around you.  Volunteer to mentor young people to provide them with alternate, constructive ways of expressing anger besides setting fires and rioting.  Teach others around you to support and appreciate local business owners so they will think twice about looting.  Encourage your fellow citizens to vote and get involved in the political process.  Talk to your  kids.  There is at least one thing each and every one of us can do to further the cause of unity and justice.

Create an open dialogue with your local law enforcement.  Remember…we cannot vilify and stereotype police officers.  There are way too many good cops in the world to let Darren Wilson and a few unfortunate others become the face of law enforcement in this country.  Take a moment to learn about your local police department.  Learn their names.  Know how to reach your police chief and local precinct.  And above all else, let good police officers know that they are appreciated.  The goal is to alleviate the fear that is constantly perpetuated by the media.  I realize that this is difficult for many.  I’ve had a couple of unfortunate experiences with police officers myself.  However, if I let those instances dictate my opinion of law enforcement, I would not have appreciated the police officer who helped me look for my lost dog, or the state trooper who convinced a judge to dismiss my speeding ticket or the young officer who spoke to all the kids in the neighborhood when he drove through.  I’ll lead by example by personally thanking Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero and Lansing Police Chief Michael Yankowski for fostering the spirit of community and communication.  Both have been diligent in keeping the Lansing community involved and making sure our voices are heard.

Right now, at this moment, all we can do is move forward.  We can only look back to learn from our mistakes.  Looking back and doing nothing solves nothing.  Take a stand. Make a difference.  Think.  Make your question of the day ‘What can I do to create a better place for me and my children?’  This should be your question of the day…every day.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Raising Special Kids Takes a Special Kind of Mommie

This is my first article as a contributor to "Special Moms - Special Kids", part of the Proud Mommie Moments website.  Very proud of this particular entry.  Thank you always for your support! - Sasha

When we become parents, we want our children to be born happy and healthy.  Ten fingers and ten toes, perfect eyes that see and perfect ears that hear the sound of your voice are part of a healthy, happy baby.   We take for granted that all is well with our little one, being reassured of proper development before birth.  Prenatal exams are generally routine and OB/GYN visits are generally uneventful if all is well.  However, a select group of parents don’t always get the news they’ve been hoping for…

It was early summer 2007 when I got the call that something wasn’t quite right with my baby’s ultrasound.  We learned the day of the procedure that he would be a boy, but the news of a possible abnormality didn’t come until later.  My doctor recommended an enhanced ultrasound so we could get a better idea of what we were dealing with.  I cannot recall the details, but I do remember her saying “There is a 1 in 55 chance your son will have Down Syndrome.” 

WHAT!? Down Syndrome?  At that time, I just couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of having a child with a disability.  Disability. I hardly ever used the word before that time.  After getting over the initial shock, I did my homework.  My heart dropped as I read phrases like ‘possible issues with eyesight’, ‘heart conditions’, ‘delayed cognitive development’.  Then, all I could do is pray.  I begged the Lord to tell me why. Why me? Why our family?  I just didn’t understand what kind of blessing we were in store for.

After that first enhanced ultrasound, the specialist confirmed that there was, in fact, a high risk of Down Syndrome (DS).  When given the option to diagnose before or after birth, we chose to find out as soon as possible.  We settled on an amniocentesis which went without complications.  A positive diagnosis would come from the specialist by phone, otherwise we would hear from a nurse.

It was late June 2007, when I got the call.  When I heard the specialist’s voice on the line, my heart dropped.  My child will be born with DS. Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome. The name echoed in my head for what seemed to be forever until I was interrupted with a serious question. “Do you wish to terminate your pregnancy?”  Looking back, I assumed he had to ask for medical and ethical reasons, but at that moment I wanted to scream at him ‘Are you out of your mind?!’  The thought of termination never entered my head.  Like many babies before him, ours had ten fingers and ten toes, eyes that could see, ears that could hear and most importantly, a healthy heart.  He was small for his gestational age, but looked fine nonetheless.  After gathering my composure, I gave him my reply…

“Absolutely not.”

We scheduled subsequent appointments and ended the phone call.  I was home alone at the time.  I called my husband and mother and gave them the news.  Then all I could do is pray.  I prayed for the health of my baby (who was named James Gregory, after my brother and father James and my husband’s uncle and cousin Gregory), prayed for strength for my family and prayed for strength for me.  He must have heard me.  I watched a Tigers game and received a letter from my church, inviting us to vacation bible school.  I’ve been an active member of St. Stephen’s Community Church ever since.

On Thursday, September 27, 2007, I went into the specialist’s office for a routine test when an anomaly was discovered.  After it was fully analyzed, I was admitted right away.  I was assured it was precautionary, but I was panicking inside. ‘What’s wrong?!’  By the time the evening arrived, it was determined that labor had to be induced.  While James’ heart rate was struggling with each contraction,  I was concerned about him being born almost six weeks early.  An emergency C-section was ordered and I was rolled into the OR.  My husband was by my side when a tiny little boy with a huge voice popped out (Yes, I heard a ‘pop’.).  There he was, with ten fingers, ten toes, a tiny cow lick on the top of his head and apparently a really big voice.  James Gregory Gaskin had arrived.

James had to get settled in the RNICU before I could see him.  When I held him for the first time, I knew my prayer was answered. The Lord answered ‘Why you? Because he needs you. You need him.  I created you for each other.’  That was all the motivation I needed.

So here we are today.  James is in school and loving it.  He loves to swim and enjoys watching Spongebob Squarepants every day.  He had as many as six specialists at one time, continues with physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.  James’ delays are pretty severe but overall he is healthy and happy…a true blessing.  James is a testament to how we all overcome our obstacles in life.  James lives life to the fullest every day, as should we all.

As a proud (and special) mommie, it is my hope that any parent who is raising a disabled child or is expecting a disabled child, can find hope and motivation in these words.  Its always darkest before the dawn and a disability diagnosis is not the end of the world.  Surround yourself with supportive people.  Get to know any local organizations that can help.  Learn about educational opportunities for your child. 

 “Special mommies” are a rare breed, a rarity to be treasured and celebrated.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Privilege To Serve

Hello friends and Happy New Year!  Thank you for your continued patience and support.  Its good to be back...

Today, the City of Lansing hosted its monthly Mobile Food Pantry at Tabernacle of David Worship Center.  I saw the usual volunteers and community organizations that take part.  Many of the residents that use this resource are regulars while there are newcomers every month.  This event, which takes place every third Saturday, feeds more than 200 families. Absolutely an invaluable resource.

This day was a little different.  The conditions were difficult.  It was a blistery 20 degrees out, light snow and some wind.   I have to say, it wasn't an easy day to be outside.  A number of volunteers took turns to warm up indoors and residents were reluctant to venture out into the line that ran outdoors were the food items were set up for distribution. Despite Old Man Winter's efforts to curtail the enthusiasm, our friends and neighbors came out to support the cause.

Despite the harsh conditions, the mood was inspiring.  There were lots of smiles and hugs among friends who connected for the first time in 2014.  Members of the church served hot chocolate and coffee to those who were volunteering outdoors. Residents were able to obtain information about community resources with dignity and a smile.

My point?  Today reminded me how wonderful and fulfilling it is to serve others. I experienced such a warm feeling, more than usual, at the sight of so many making the sacrifice to take care of our fellow man.  I felt a rejuvenating rush that reminds me of how valuable the efforts of our volunteers really and truly are.   I can only use this opportunity to further grow into a person who not only values the commitment of others, but to be able to appreciate how our community is a better place because of that commitment.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" (Source: MLKday.gov)  This MLK Day, use this opportunity to change your life, and the lives of others, for the better...fostering the privilege to serve.