Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Revolution Is Not Being Televised...Riots Are.

The revolution is not being televised, riots are...

Can someone please explain to me how destroying our own communities have furthered our cause? Haven't we learned anything from Watts, Chicago and Detroit in the 60's?  Los Angeles in the 90's? Did rioting and burning down OUR businesses bring any positive change whatsoever?  Think about it...it took Detroit almost 50 YEARS to get from under the ripple effect that started when our own burned and destroyed our own.  When are we going to realize that the victory of fighting injustice will NEVER come when we destroy what many of us has worked so hard to build?

As long as there is prejudice and hatred in the world, injustice will always be present, but me MUST find other ways to express our anger toward the system, not toward ourselves or each other.  Riddle me this: How many rioters are or were active voters, business owners, high school AND college graduates, role models to young, visionaries, clergy from various faiths, community advocates and the like?  How many of us are willing to roll up our sleeves and get down to the business of actually creating change by empowering our young people instead of cheering them on when they through a rock through a window? How many of us are willing to openly put their foot down like the mother in yellow who had no problem expressing her disgust by slapping some sense into her son?  How many of us are willing to look toward OUR leaders and holding them accountable for their lack of leadership and not pander to media for the sake of sound bites?

No, the revolution is not being televised, riots are.  It's time we hold ourselves accountable and learn the difference.