Wednesday, May 9, 2012

He went there...Obama supports gay marriage

Is it just me?  I just don't see what the big deal is...

The President took a definitive stand on the issue of gay marriage.  He supports it, no doubt about it.

The first question that popped into my head:  How will this affect his re-election?

The Obama Presidency has been plagued with divisiveness.  The economy, immigration, the war on terror, a woman's right to choose, race, gender...the list goes on and on and on.  All of these issues are on the table from now 'til November...and it's about to get ugly.

He took it marriage!

Honestly, again, I don't know what the big deal is.  I've seen how hard gay couples work, how they raise kids, how they plan for the future and how they struggle...LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!

I know I'm going to catch a little hell from my conservative readers, all 3 of 'em (smile) but consider this:

I am a card carrying member of the United Church of Christ which is, by most standards, is pretty doggone liberal.   I'm reminded of a very important mantra from the UCC website ( that I live by everyday: "No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here."  I'm very bothered by any church using the Bible as an excuse to exclude anyone from the Lord's Grace.  I'm even more disturbed by any politician who uses this social issue as a way to get votes...on both sides of the isle.

I want to close by reminding my readers that there are real people behind the rhetoric.  Gay Americans have the right to grow old with the ones they love...and have it acknowledged by the country they love.

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